CES - niezawodny dostawca zaawansowanych rozwiazań przemysłowych


Acceptance of the transmission of electronic invoices (e-invoices)

Pursuant to the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of 20.12.2012 on sending invoices in electronic form, the rules of their storage, and the manner of making them available to tax authorities or tax inspection (Journal of Laws Dz.U. 29.12.2012, item 1528), we accept issuing and sending us VAT invoices in electronic form for supplies and services rendered to Centrum Elektroniki Stosowanej CES Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Podłoże 676. (32-003) , holding tax identification number 6790028986 with all legal effects of delivery, under the following conditions.

The term electronic invoice for the purposes of this statement shall mean:

  1. sales invoices
  2. advance payment invoices
  3. correction invoices
  4. duplicate invoices

E-invoices sent to CES electronically must meet the following requirements:

  1. We accept invoices sent as a pdf or other file, but then authentication with an electronic signature is required only to: efaktury@ces.com.pl

  2. We consider the date of receipt of an electronic invoice to be the date on which the invoice is received at: efaktury@ces.com.pl

  3. Acknowledgements of receipt of electronic invoices will not be sent by any means. In order to receive confirmation of receipt of an invoice at efaktury@ces.com.pl, please select the following option in the e-mail sent: request confirmation of receipt.

  4. If an invoice is issued incorrectly or not in accordance with the order, or does not meet these conditions, a return e-mail will be sent stating that the invoice is not accepted, which means that it will not be included in our accounting records.

  5. The account efaktury@ces.com.pl is used by CES only to receive electronic invoices, so please do not send any other documents (minutes, order confirmations, etc.) to this address.

  6. If you send us an invoice by e-mail, please do not send us a paper invoice in addition (this will reduce costs and protect the environment). Invoices sent on paper will not be posted or sent back to the sender and will not have any legal or accounting effect.

If you have any questions, please contact us: +48122690011

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