CES - niezawodny dostawca zaawansowanych rozwiazań przemysłowych

Cumulus - Industry 4.0 in the cloud

From the beginning, one of the priorities has been to maintain service at the highest, repeatable level.
Each customer expects a quick response and precision in action, which is not easy when the installations cover the whole territory of Poland and we are often separated by 600-700 km of road.

CUMULUS Connect remote connectivity system to meet the demands of Industry 4.0

It has enabled CES to enter Industry 4.0 fully prepared, while at the same time meeting the needs of our customers, increasing the availability of the systems we run and improving the working experience not only for programmers and automation engineers, but also for mechanics and technical department managers.

Our connections are used by owners, directors and staff of factories, biogas plants, or treatment plants, and that's not all. The system is being developed all the time and gives more and more interesting possibilities, such as generating reports and statistics on the operation of equipment, sending notifications about unscheduled stops, or service reminders. With the CUMULUS Connect system, the distance from your plants ceases to matter.

When on-site technical support is needed
Remote supervision of the equipment
Access to distributed controllers in a commissioned process line

CES has a recipe for that. A secure VPN connection based on the CUMULUS service connection server. All you need is a CUMULUS Connect module, access to the Internet in any form (via LAN, Wi-Fi, GSM, LTE, etc.) and an account on the CUMULUS server.

Od początku działalności jednym z priorytetów było utrzymanie usług serwisowych na najwyższym, powtarzalnym poziomie.
Każdy klient oczekuje szybkiej reakcji i precyzji w działaniu, co nie jest łatwe gdy instalacje pokrywają teren całej Polski i dzieli nas nierzadko 600-700 km drogi.

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