What is polygeneration?
Polygeneration is the production of four or more utilities in a single plant. These are These are usually electricity, heat, cooling and process steam.
The main components of a polygeneration system are the CHP unit, which produces electricity and heat in the form of hot water, the absorption chiller, which converts the heat from the cogeneration module into cold, and the steam generator, which uses the heat contained in the flue gases to produce process steam with different parameters, depending on the customer's needs
In 2012, CES installed the first polygeneration system for the Maspex Group at Tymbark plant.

Polygeneration - operating principle
The electricity produced by this polygeneration system is used primarily for the plant's own needs, with any excess being sold to the grid of the power company. The heat recovered from the engine body in the form of hot water is used for heating in winter, while in summer it is sent to an absorption chiller, where it is transformed into cold. Some of the heat contained in the flue gases is used directly for the production of process steam using a generator. At Tymbark, approximately 600 kg of steam per hour is produced, at a pressure of 12 bar.
If there is a high demand for process steam, it is possible to use a so-called fourth-pass boiler instead of using a steam generator. In dryers, it is possible to use the hot flue gas directly, where the temperature of the flue gas after leaving the engine is about 450°C.Polygeneration systems can also produce compressed air used in various technological processes or other media for which electricity or heat is required.