CES battery monitoring system
The battery monitoring system is a solution with an integrated web server for managing and storage of historical data, providing continuous monitoring of battery parameters. The system will find application in both UPS installations and larger data centers.

Main features
▪ Application in UPS and data centers
▪ Measurement of lead-acid or multi-pole batteries
▪ Loop connection (communication), failure of one sensor without affecting operation of other sensors
▪ Monitoring of battery voltage, current, resistance, insulation resistance, current and voltage ripple, SOC, SOH, etc.
▪ Support for Modbus, SNMP, MQTT and IEC61850 protocols
▪ Automatic detection of battery sensor ID address
▪ Dual power source
▪ Interference-reducing design, allows connection to high-frequency UPS
▪ Compliance with IEEE 1188-2005 standard
Poziomy zarządzania głównego kontrolera CSBM 9000
▪ Standardowa konstrukcja 1U
▪ Podwójne źródło, aby uniknąć wyłączenia zasilania
▪ Wbudowany serwer sieciowy
▪ Monitorowanie maks. 6 stosów akumulatorów, w sumie 420 akumulatorów
▪ Pomiar prądu i napięcia akumulatora, tętnienia napięcia i prądu, ładowania i prądu rozładowania, temperatury
wewnętrzną, rezystancji , rezystancji izolacji, temperatury i wilgotności otoczenia, SOC i SOH
▪ Powiadamianie o alarmach przez e-mail
▪ Obsługa protokołów Modbus-TCP, Modbus-RTU, SNMP i IEC61850
▪ Obsługa MQTT dla formatu JSON do przesyłania danych
▪ 1 port RS485, 2 porty Ethernet
▪ 6 portów DI (podłączenie wejścia cyfrowego)
▪ 6 portów DO (alarm dźwiękowy i świetlny)
Structure of the monitoring system
Management levels of the CSBM 9000 main controller
▪ Standard 1U design
▪ Dual source to avoid power outage
▪ Built-in web server
▪ Monitoring of up to 6 battery stacks, for a total of 420 batteries
▪ Measurement of battery current and voltage, voltage and current ripple, charge and discharge current, temperature
internal, resistance , insulation resistance, ambient temperature and humidity, SOC and SOH
▪ E-mail notification of alarms
▪ Support for Modbus-TCP, Modbus-RTU, SNMP and IEC61850 protocols
▪ MQTT support for JSON format for data transfer
▪ 1 RS485 port, 2 Ethernet ports
▪ 6 DI ports (digital inputs)
▪ 6 DO ports (digital outputs)
System components
Current measurement sensor and Hall sensor
▪ One battery stack requires 1 CSBM-CM, each CSBM-CM with 2 Hall sensor ports
▪ Measurement of battery charge and discharge current and ripple current
▪ Measurement of multi-pole battery charge and discharge current and ripple current
ripple using a flexible module and Hall sensor
MBAT-12 battery cell sensor
▪ For 12V batteries
▪ Individual monitoring of battery voltage, internal temperature (negative terminal)
▪ Measurement of the internal resistance value of the battery (ohmic value)
▪ Automatic balancing