CES - niezawodny dostawca zaawansowanych rozwiazań przemysłowych

UPS Master MPS

MPS UPS provides maximum protection and high-quality power supply for critical equipment. Great for IT centres, hospitals, telecommunications and industry.

Main features

  • Efficiency monitoring system (ECS)
  • Robust and reliable
  • Galvanic isolation
  • High resistance to overloads
  • Wide range of parallel configuration options


 MPS UPS is a true on-line power supply with double conversion (VFI SS 111 - IEC EN 62040-3) and inverter isolation transformer. With three phases at the input and output. Master MPS makes  power supply from both the generator and the AC/DC transformer easier and more efficient, reducing energy losses in the system, correcting the power factor and eliminating current harmonics generated by the equipment powered by the UPS.


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