CES - niezawodny dostawca zaawansowanych rozwiazań przemysłowych

Development of Poland's largest biogas plant

1 minute of reading

The Boleszyn biogas plant has once again relied on Centrum Elektroniki Stosowanej, which will participate as a subcontractor in the expansion of the largest biogas plant in Poland.

Rozbudowa największej biogazowni w Polsce


Membrane cover 51m by 37m for Guy and Wright Ltd

Membrane cover 51m by 37m for Guy and Wright Ltd

At the end of 2017, we completed a 51m by 37m membrane cover project for Guy and Wright Ltd of England.

CES high-efficiency installations not only under warranty

CES high-efficiency installations not only under warranty

Thanks to our professional service team, in the fourth year of operation of the units, we were able to achieve a full-power availability of 98%, which amounts to approximately 8600mth per year.

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