CES - niezawodny dostawca zaawansowanych rozwiazań przemysłowych

Development of Poland's largest biogas plant

Boleszyn | 2019

We are very pleased to announce that we are once again participating in the expansion of the biogas plant in Boleszyn, owned by Biogal Ltd. The facility was built in 2011 and at the time had a capacity of 1.2 MW. In 2014 it was expanded to 2,000 kW. As it turned out, this realization did not complete the enlargement of the biogas plant. Over the course of September and October 2017, a decision was made to expand the facility again, this time to a capacity of 3.6 MW. Thanks to the trust placed in us by the owners and the general contractor, we signed a contract whose scope is broader than that of previous realizations at this facility.

The facility after commissioning will be the largest biogas CHP plant in Poland!

Our supplies include:

  • two cogeneration units of 800kW each,
  • a 1MW biogas boiler,
  • biogas blower,
  • biogas dryer,
  • biogas desulfurizer,
  • biogas double-membrane tank covering a 35m diameter chamber,
  • 9 mixers (including 4 vertical and 5 side mixers),
  • 14 automation and control cabinets for the biogas plant and the ATS, built in a specialized container.

The contract also includes construction work, such as:

  • construction of cable duct,
  • approx. 25 km of electrical and control cables.

Widok na kontenery z zabudowanymi agregatami kogeneracyjnymi

Zabudowane agregaty kogeneracyjne

Wizualizacja pomieszczeń, gdzie zainstalowane zostaną dodatkowe agregaty kogeneracyjne

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