CES - niezawodny dostawca zaawansowanych rozwiazań przemysłowych

2x1.2 MW cogeneration units for a wastewater treatment plant in Łódź

1 minute of reading

CES, as part of the project to modernise the combined heat and power (CHP) plant at the Group Sewage Treatment Plant in Łódź, is delivering two CHP units, each with a capacity of 1.2 MW; 6.3 kV. You can read about the benefits of the modernisation and its impact on the energy efficiency of the plant on GRAMwZIELONE.pl



Gefran Italian inverters available from us

Gefran Italian inverters available from us

Our customers do not have to worry that factories in Italy have closed and inverters will not be available.

Replace AVs, AGs, AVMs with new ADL300

Replace AVs, AGs, AVMs with new ADL300

SIEI AGs, AVs and AVMs lift inverters have a worthy successor: the ADL300. If you are planning to replace them call: 12 261 05 67 and speak to our expert.

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